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Vaping Etiquette 101

Vaping is everywhere, in public spaces, social gatherings and even in the workplace. Like any activity, vaping has its own set of unspoken rules and considerations – often referred to as vaping etiquette. Knowing and following these guidelines is important for your social interactions and for the image of the vaping community as a whole. We therefore set out to outline what you need to know about vaping etiquette to any faux pas.

Personal Space 

One of the most important vaping etiquette rules is to respect the personal space of those around you. Not everyone is comfortable with vapor clouds or the smell of e-liquids, even if they’re less intrusive than cigarette smoke. When you’re in a public space or around others, be aware of where and how you vape. 


Public Spaces: Don’t vape in crowded areas where the vapor could drift into others’ personal space. This includes bus stops, sidewalks, and outdoor dining areas. 

Indoor Environments: Always ask before vaping indoors, especially in someone’s home or a shared space. Many people don’t appreciate vaping indoors, even if they don’t mind it outdoors. 

Elevators and Small Spaces: Never vape in confined spaces like elevators, cars with other passengers, or small rooms where people can’t easily move away.

Local Regulations 

Vaping laws and regulations are different everywhere. In some places vaping is treated like smoking and is banned in public areas, in others it’s more relaxed. It’s your responsibility to know and follow local laws for each area in which you find yourself: 

Public Transport: Many cities and countries have banned vaping on public transport, buses, trains and planes. Always check the rules before you vape in these situations. 

Restaurants and Bars: Some places allow vaping, others don’t. If in doubt ask the staff or look for signs to see if the venue allows vaping. 

Workplaces: Most workplaces have a clear policy on vaping. Even if it’s not explicitly banned, it’s considerate to step outside or use designated areas if available. 


While vaping is a personal choice, not everyone around you may appreciate it. Being considerate of non-vapers is part of vaping etiquette. For example, don’t vape around children and pets as they might be more sensitive to nicotine and vapor. Even if your e-liquid is nicotine-free, it’s the responsible choice to keep vaping away from them. At social gatherings, especially where there are mixed groups of vapers and non-vapers, ask before you vape. Not everyone may be comfortable with it and it’s better to step outside if needed. While vapor doesn’t linger as long or smell as strong as cigarette smoke, some people may still find certain e-liquid scents unpleasant. If you’re aware of this, choose a neutral or less intense flavor when vaping in shared spaces.

Care for Your Device 

Good vaping etiquette also means taking care of your device so it’s clean and working properly. A poorly maintained device can produce bad smells, malfunction in public, or even be a safety risk. Clean your vape device regularly to prevent buildup of residue that can produce bad odors or affect performance. This is especially important if you change e-liquid flavors often. In addition, make sure your device’s batteries are in good condition. Faulty batteries can overheat or cause other issues which can lead to dangerous situations, especially in public. Lastly, always dispose of empty pods, cartridges, and e-liquid bottles properly. Littering not only looks bad on you but also on the entire vaping community. 

Social Media and Vaping 

In the digital age, social media plays a big role in how vaping is perceived. Whether you’re sharing your vaping experiences or engaging with others online, be mindful of etiquette. Be aware of your audience when posting vaping-related content. Not everyone may be interested in or supportive of vaping so consider the appropriateness of your posts. The vaping community is diverse, with different preferences and opinions. When engaging in online discussions be respectful of other opinions especially when debating sensitive topics like health and regulations. Vaping etiquette is more than just following the rules, it’s about being considerate to those around you. Whether you’re vaping at home, in public or online, how you behave can impact how vaping is viewed by others. By following these guidelines you’ll not only enjoy your vaping experience but also help promote a good image for the vaping community. Good manners and respect for others go a long way in making vaping more accepted in society.

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